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Monday, April 24, 2017

Evil = Bondage

I've been doing some thinking lately and since I talk to a lot of people, I've started to believe that there aren't too many bad people in the world.  Everyone generally wants the same things, happiness and peace.  And I know that's true all the way around the world, throughout cultures and countries. 

And so I've been wondering what Evil really means?  Because in our world, characters from movies, such as Voldemort, don't really exist.  Lucifer was our brother up in heaven! He comes from the same good source.  So what happened? And the answer that I've come up with is that maybe Evil really means Bondage, or lack of ability to make choices.  And what I'm trying to help people come to know is that by choosing the gospel, they can have more choices! But sin will burden us down and make us in bondage, or let us make less choices.  And this is what Satan wants.

Anyway, it's been a slow rainy week... Love you all,

Elder Amann